Eine Katze liegt ruhig in einem geöffneten Transportkorb
German Version


Traveling with Pets

Entry from Belarus and Russia

Important notice: For the third countries BELARUS and RUSSIA, the obligation to provide proof of a rabies antibody titer for dogs and cats when entering the EU has been introduced by the EU Commission. The date of entry into force is September 16, 2024.


This means that in order to enter the EU from the named countries with a rabies antibody titer on the date of entry into force, in order to comply with the required 3-month waiting period starting from the date of the blood test, the last permissible date for the blood test would be June 16th, 2024.


The following exclusively addresses the entry requirements for pets (dogs, cats, and ferrets). If you have any questions regarding the entry or transit of other types of animals, we kindly ask you to directly contact the Veterinary Border Control Post.


Entry into Germany with Cats, Dogs and Ferrets

When entering Germany with a pet, it is mandatory to comply with the legal regulations. The determining factor is whether the animal is entering from:

  1. The EU or a country equivalent to the EU,
  2. A listed third country, or
  3. An unlisted third country.


From which country are you traveling with your pet?


Conditions for Accompanied Travel from Countries equivalent to the EU

1. Microchip:

  • The animal must have a 15-digit ISO microchip.
  • The chip must be implanted before the valid rabies vaccination.

2. Rabies Vaccination:

  • The vaccination may only be administered at the age of 12 weeks (= 84 days) or older.
  • It must be done after the microchip implantation.
  • There is a waiting period of 21 days from the date of the first vaccination or after a vaccination gap.
  • The vaccination must be valid at the time of travel.

3. EU Pet Passport:

Conditions for Listed Third Countries

1. Microchip

  • The animal must have a 15-digit ISO microchip.
  • The chip must be implanted before the valid rabies vaccination.
  • Proof via microchip certificate, registration, or similar must be provided.

2. Rabies Vaccination

  • The vaccination may only be administered at the age of 12 weeks (= 84 days) or older.
  • It must be done after the microchip implantation.
  • There is a waiting period of 21 days from the date of the first vaccination or after a vaccination gap.
  • The vaccination must be valid at the time of travel.
  • Proof via vaccination certificate, vaccination passport, or similar must be provided.

4. EU Veterinary Certificate

Additionally, the following applies:

For cats coming from Australia, the veterinary authority must additionally certify that the cat comes from a facility where no cases of Hendra disease have been detected in the last 60 days.

For dogs and cats coming from Malaysia (Peninsula), the veterinary authority must additionally certify the following:

  1. The dog/cat has not been in contact with pigs in the last 60 days before export,
  2. they have not been kept in facilities where cases of Nipah disease have been detected in the last 60 days,
  3. they have undergone an IgG-ELISA test with a negative result, conducted in a laboratory approved by the competent veterinary authority for Nipah antibody testing, based on a blood sample taken no more than 10 days before export.


Conditions for Non-Listed Third Countries

1. Microchip

  • The animal must have a 15-digit ISO microchip.
  • The chip must be implanted before the valid rabies vaccination.
  • Proof via microchip certificate, registration, or similar must be provided.

2. Rabies Vaccination

  • The vaccination may only be administered at the age of 12 weeks (= 84 days) or older.
  • It must be done after the microchip implantation.
  • There is a waiting period of 21 days from the date of the first vaccination or after a vaccination gap.
  • The vaccination must be valid at the time of travel.
  • Proof via vaccination certificate, vaccination passport, or similar must be provided.

3. Rabies Antibody Test

  • Blood sample taken at least 30 days after a valid rabies vaccination.
  • Examination of the blood sample in an EU-approved laboratory.
  • Threshold: 0.5 IU/ml serum or higher.
  • If the antibody titer is below 0.5 IU/ml serum, a repeat rabies vaccination and a subsequent rabies antibody test must be conducted according to the mentioned conditions.
  • Waiting period: 3 months from the day of blood sampling with a result of at least 0.5 IU/ml serum. Proof via laboratory report must be provided.

4. EU Veterinary Certificate

For Australia, the following special regulation applies:

For cats originating from Australia, the veterinary authority must additionally certify that the cat comes from a facility where no cases of Hendra disease have been detected in the last 60 days. Please ensure that this certification is provided.

Apart from that, the conditions for Listed Third Countries apply:

1. Microchip

  • The animal must have a 15-digit ISO microchip.
  • The chip must be implanted before the valid rabies vaccination.
  • Proof via microchip certificate, registration, or similar must be provided.

2. Rabies Vaccination

  • The vaccination may only be administered at the age of 12 weeks (= 84 days) or older.
  • It must be done after the microchip implantation.
  • There is a waiting period of 21 days from the date of the first vaccination or after a vaccination gap.
  • The vaccination must be valid at the time of travel.
  • Proof via vaccination certificate, vaccination passport, or similar must be provided.

3. EU Veterinary Certificate


Special Regulations for Malaysia:

For dogs and cats originating from Peninsular Malaysia, the veterinary authority must additionally certify the following:

    1. The dog/cat has not been in contact with pigs in the last 60 days prior to export.
    2. They have not been kept in premises where Nipah disease cases were confirmed in the last 60 days.
    3. They have been tested with a negative result in an IgG-ELISA test, conducted in a laboratory authorized by the competent veterinary authority for Nipah antibody testing. The blood sample for this test must have been taken no more than 10 days before export.

Apart from that, the conditions for Listed Third Countries apply:

1. Microchip

  • The animal must have a 15-digit ISO microchip.
  • The chip must be implanted before the valid rabies vaccination.
  • Proof via microchip certificate, registration, or similar must be provided.

2. Rabies Vaccination

  • The vaccination may only be administered at the age of 12 weeks (= 84 days) or older.
  • It must be done after the microchip implantation.
  • There is a waiting period of 21 days from the date of the first vaccination or after a vaccination gap.
  • The vaccination must be valid at the time of travel.
  • Proof via vaccination certificate, vaccination passport, or similar must be provided.

3. EU Veterinary Certificate


Entry Requirements for Pet Birds


Further Information

Transit through the European Union

If your pet is traveling through a European Union (EU) country on its way to a non-EU country, you will need a transit health certificate for the EU. The transit health certificate is the same as if the final destination for your pet were an EU country.



Generally, puppies are not allowed to be imported into Germany or transited through Germany.

Under the term "puppies," dogs, cats, and ferrets that are younger than 12 weeks old and do not have effective protection against the rabies virus are included. Dogs, cats, and ferrets can only be brought into Germany at the earliest at the age of 16 weeks.

You can find more information here.


Commercial Import

Please notice: If:

  • the animals travel unaccompanied and do not travel within 5 days before or after the owner,
  • there is a transfer of ownership,
  • the animals are intended to be sold or more than 5 animals are imported,

this is a commercial import of animals. In this case, the commercial certificate must be used, which is only valid for entry into the EU for 48 hours after it is issued. A veterinary clearance at the Veterinary Border Inspection Post and sending the animals as freight with a Air Waybill Number (AWB) is mandatory.


Flight Sponsors / Animal Companions

In animal disease control law, a distinction is made between private travel and commercial trade when transporting dogs or cats. Private travel means that only the owner is allowed to accompany the animal. The sale (including so-called "adoption fees") or any transfer to third parties (even without compensation, such as to acquaintances or friends) of animals transported to or within Europe is not permitted in private travel.

To bring animals into the EU or between EU member states in private travel, various requirements must be strictly met (e.g., a valid rabies antibody test from so-called non-listed third countries, up-to-date rabies vaccinations, complete animal health documents, microchip, etc.). Further information can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

For any questions, the respective border control points are always available and should be contacted before leaving or entering the EU to avoid further measures in case of uncertainty.

There are very strict regulations in animal disease control and animal welfare law for bringing animals into the EU as a so-called flight sponsor and handing them over to third parties. From an animal welfare perspective, animal welfare organizations based in Germany that transfer animals from abroad and later place them with owners in Germany need a permit for commercial dealing with vertebrates (so-called §11 permit under the Animal Welfare Act). The same applies to potential "foster homes." Additionally, the animals must travel with a so-called commercial certificate (or from member states with a so-called Traces certificate) and enter the EU through an official border control point. Dogs and cats from third countries require an import examination by a veterinary officer at a border control point. Entry through purely designated "entry points," such as Nuremberg in Bavaria, is not possible.

It is also essential to consider that the animal welfare regulations must be observed during transport (including transport from the airport to the final destination). Therefore, animals must be transported in adequately sized transport containers and must be fit for transport. Please also note that various airlines have specific requirements for transporting animals.


Procedure at Munich Airport

The procedure at Munich Airport is as follows:

  • As hand luggage (pet in cabin) or bulky luggage, your pet arrives at the terminal with you. After passport control and baggage claim, you are legally obliged, according to Article 34(2) of the Pet Regulation (EU Regulation No. 576/2013), to proceed directly to customs (red channel) for import control and present all original documents related to your pet. Customs conducts the import control on our behalf. Failure to comply with your legal obligation constitutes an administrative offense, which will be penalized by us.

  • As cargo baggage, your pet will automatically be brought to the Veterinary Office at the airport (Animal Border Inspection Post, view location map). Here, we conduct the border veterinary import control. This control is subject to charges for the importer. Before picking up your pet from us, please go to your airline in the cargo area and collect the cargo documents. After that, come to us at the border control post, where we will continue with the proceedings.

  • Directions to the border control post: Please use these coordinates from Google Maps for navigation. The street address is not correctly displayed by Google.


Contact for Further Questions

For further questions or matters that could not be clarified above, please contact bip-muc@kblv.bayern.de or 089/97590390 (available by phone from Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 16:30).


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